Current Version (pdf)
DownloadTo ensure we can cover all expected annual operating costs and capital repair expenditures in a timely manner, we appreciate on-time payment of Annual HOA dues on March 31st every year.
To maintain the architectural standards of Summerfield Village, every homeowner plays a vital role in adhering to the standards set for our planned community. See also Architectural Modification for more guidance.
The list below represents owner maintenance responsibilities that should be performed on a regular basis, including, but not limited to:
Summerfield Village HOA Trustees are permitted to take action for any violation of Article VIII, Section J: Vehicles of our Deed Restrictions. This section applies primarily to how long work trucks, trailers, boats, RV's and any other non-passenger vehicle can be parked in the streets or on the property.
For violations of street parking, sidewalk parking, parking in the circles or cul-de-sac's and junk vehicles, any SFV Homeowner can report the issue directly to the Delaware County Sheriff at: (740) 833-2800.